
4:18pm 07-07-2017
((((Donna))))) Thinking of you today on your beloved husband Mile's heaven date. I have a candle lit in his loving memory. Know that my love and prayers are with you on this very sad date. Wishing you a gentle day, my friend.
You're not alone---and I'll remember Mile always.
Love and Hugs,
Mom to Ken
2:11pm 05-15-2017
Christopher's mommy
Dear Donna - you and your family are very much in my thoughts as you remember your precious son Rade for his birthday.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
7:29am 05-15-2017
((((Donna)))) My thoughts and prayers are with you today on your beloved Rade's birthday. I have a candle lit for him. Wishing you a day filled with all the sweet memories of the day when you first held your precious son for the first time. Know that you're not alone, my friend. God bless you.
Love and Hugs,
Mom to Ken
9:02pm 12-19-2016
Dear Donna--the Christmas page Maria made for your precious Rade is just beautiful! I hope it brings you some comfort. You're in my thoughts and prayers during this Christmas season. I can understand your sadness since both Rade and Mile aren't with you physically--but I hope you can feel their love and presence surrounding you. If you need me--I am here for you.
Love and Prayers,
Mom to Ken
10:11am 11-15-2016
I have no words to describe my day of yesterday and many more befor.Today I feel a bit better as I was visitingRades grave and I think I did somthig special for him.Love you and miss you my son .mom
1:52pm 11-14-2016
Christopher's mommy
Dear Donna - I am keeping you very much in my thoughts and prayers as you remember your precious son Rade on his Heaven day.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
8:41am 11-14-2016
Donna---My thoughts and prayers are with you on this most difficult date of all. I have a candle lit for your beloved Rade. Wishing you peace and comfort.
You're not alone.
Love and Hugs,
Mom to Ken
10:52am 05-18-2016
Dear Rade
I dont have words to say how I feel all this years since you are gone.It has been long time and I keep memories of you each day of this long years.I love and miss you so much.I have no choice I must wait to be called to you.RIP now with your father Mile.Love you mom.
5:26pm 05-15-2016
Christopher's mommy
Dear Donna - you and your family are very much in my thoughts as you remember your precious son Rade for his 52nd birthday.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
12:37pm 05-15-2016
Pat Parker
Dear Donna, Thinking of You and Your Sweet Angel Son Rade Today Rade's Birthday in Heaven. You are in my thoughts and Prayers. My Mom heart aches for you at your Loss of Rade and your Sweet Husband Mile. Hugs, Pat, Mom of Brian and Tim in Heaven with your Sweet Son Rade and your dear Husband, and Sean on Earth,
9:49pm 05-14-2016
Dear Donna---My thoughts and prayers are with you as we remember your precious Rade's birthday tomorrow. I'll light a candle in the morning for him. I know this is an especially difficult time without your Mile beside you. I believe our children and husbands are friends together in Heaven. God bless you and I hope you get a wonderful sign from Rade tomorrow. I'm holding your hand.
With my Love,
Mom to Ken
1:12pm 12-25-2015
Christopher's mommy
Dear Donna - you are in my thoughts at Christmas time and always.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
11:49am 12-23-2015
May you find peace and comfort during this Christmas season. I will have a candle lit in loving memory of all of our beloved angels gone too soon.
Love and Prayers,
Mom to Ken
8:52am 11-16-2015
Kathy Martibello Sti
(((Donna))) You're in my heart and prayers as you remember your dear son Rade. I also lost my only child Katelyn, almost 7 years ago. It's a pain that's beyond compare. Our children are together in Heaven, but our lives are so terribly empty. Sending you hugs and prayers.
Kathy - Kate's Mom
1:46pm 11-14-2015
Christopher's mommy
Dear Donna - I am keeping you very much in my thoughts and prayers as you remember your precious son Rade on his Heaven day.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
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